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Human Error Prevention

BASIC Options

  • Interactive training on well known Human Error Prevention concepts, tools, and strategies, to reduce errors and deviations, increase compliance, and decrease cost, in a fast-paced, complex, GxP, biopharm setting

  • This highly-praised course from attendees over many years will shift mindsets, change learners’ approach to diagnosing and preventing errors, and yield positive results



Customized Human Error Prevention strategy and program design, including:

  • Human Error Prevention toolkit development

  • Training on Human Error Prevention tools

  • Quality Systems integration of HEP tools and strategies

  • Effectiveness measurement

  • Creating internal HEP Community of Practice with site HEP champions

  • HEP Train the Trainer program


What VALUE can we bring to your organization?

  • Matt led a similar, global initiative at a large commercial pharma company that led to a 60% reduction in deviations across 9 sites

Title: Human Error Prevention


Edwards Deming, the famous pioneering leader of Toyota in the mid-1900’s, widely regarded as the Father of Modern Quality, said: “85% of the reasons for failure are deficiencies in the systems and process rather than the employee.” Many studies place that number at 95%.

This course:

  • challenges traditional thinking on what causes, and how to prevent, errors and deviations

  • helps transform organizations from looking for people’s errors, to finding system flaws and harnessing people for solutions.

Human Error Prevention is a well-researched, well documented field adopted by many industries (e.g. aerospace, nuclear) decades ago. This highly interactive course provides practical tools and strategies for preventing deviations, rather than writing and closing them faster. It includes breakouts, activities, real-world examples, and audience discussions, and a focus on practical application without the need for costly equipment/facility changes, change control, or even SOP revisions in many cases.


Duration: 4 – 8 hours

Note: All courses can be offered in person or in virtual format using MS Teams.

Fire Extinguisher

©2024 BioPharm Error Prevention Associates Inc.

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